aerial view of mist rising from forest and lake

Meet Your Climate Commitments

Purchasing Carbon Credits

for Organizations & Business

At Verde, we support projects that deliver high-integrity carbon credits and help facilitate the purchase of those credits for institutional clients and organizations.

We are committed to transparency and rigor in all our investments. Our team of experts conducts extensive research and due diligence to identify the most impactful and trustworthy carbon credit projects. We work closely with project developers to ensure that their projects meet our high standards for additionality, permanence, and credibility.

Ready to offset your carbon footprint and work towards carbon neutrality?

Contact Verde today to learn how we can help you achieve your sustainability goals.

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Available Supply

A reliable source of verified carbon credits

Quality Projects

Access to a diverse portfolio of high-quality carbon credit projects

Expert Guidance

Expert guidance and support throughout the investment process

Meaningful Impact

A measurable & meaningful impact on carbon emissions

Marketing Carbon Credits

for Project Developers

As a project developer, you play a critical role in the fight against climate change. By partnering with Verde Climate Solutions, you can leverage our network and experience to market your high-quality carbon credits and make a real impact.

When you work with Verde, you gain access to a team of experts with deep experience in carbon credit project development, verification, and marketing.

Ready to offset your carbon footprint and work towards carbon neutrality?

Contact Verde today to learn how we can help you achieve your sustainability goals.

Contact Us

Customized Solutions

We work closely with project owners to develop tailored solutions that meet their specific needs and goals.

Positive Impact

roject owners can be confident that their projects are helping to mitigate the effects of climate change.

Risk Mitigation

Our expert analysis can help ensure that projects meet the standards established by relevant certification bodies.

Access to Markets

We have deep relationships with buyers around the world, providing project owners with access to a diverse range of markets and pricing options.

Unlocking the Full Potential of Carbon Markets with Verde

Verde is committed to making a positive impact on our planet catalyzing carbon offset projects to deliver real, measurable results. Our expertise in the carbon credit creation, validation, and marketing process ensures that your project will have the greatest possible impact.


Quality is at the heart of what we do at Verde. We rigorously analyze third-party verification and validation to ensure that your carbon credits are of the highest quality. Working with us means that your organization can be confident that your carbon credits are credible and effective in the fight against climate change.


Additionality is key to creating carbon credits that truly make a difference in the fight against climate change. At Verde, we prioritize projects that go beyond business as usual to truly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. By working with us, your organization can be confident that efforts to reduce emissions will have a measurable impact.


When it comes to carbon credits, permanence is crucial. That's why we focus on projects that offer long-term, verifiable carbon sequestration or avoidance. With Verde, enterprises can rest assured that their carbon credits will be backed by sustainable, long-lasting emissions reductions.

News & Resources

Recent news from around the industry on carbon credits, carbon reduction and related topics