
Common questions in soil carbon monitoring

Advancing sustainable farming means working to improve the way we measure both its financial and environmental benefits. This allows a stronger market to develop where farmers are compensated for transitioning to regenerative management. 

One way to achieve this is by using modeling and soil sampling to set a high standard for how soil carbon changes are quantified. That’s why in 2019, Indigo Ag launched Carbon by Indigo to break new ground in soil carbon quantification in close partnership with the scientific community. Our DayCent-CR biogeochemical model is calibrated, validated and reviewed by independent experts — and then approved for use by crediting programs such as the Climate Action Reserve (CAR). Importantly, our approach also accounts for the uncertainties inherent in carbon measurement. 

Buy-in from the scientific community is critical for supporting the advancement of models such as DayCent-CR. Recently, the Indigo team published a peer-reviewed paper on Indigo Ag’s carbon quantification model in the leading science journal Geoderma. In the paper, we provide deeper transparency for a key component of our overall MRV (monitoring, reporting and verification) processes. This expands on the documentation and review of the model validation for ( article continues at GreenBiz )

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