Is The Voluntary Carbon Market Moving Toward Version 2.0?

“We wanted to start tracking quality, recognizing that the voluntary carbon market is starting to mature. The quicker we improve carbon credit quality and restore confidence, the more effective companies can be at addressing climate change.”

According to a new analysis by Calyx Global, a carbon credit ratings platform, the quality in the voluntary carbon market (VCM) shows promising signs of improved integrity. The report combines market trend data with Calyx Global’s ratings of over 500 projects to offer insights into the ongoing efforts to enhance carbon market integrity.

Finding higher-rated carbon credits in the VCM remains challenging due to the dominance of mega-projects, such as REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) and large-scale grid-connected renewable energy projects, which typically do not achieve higher ratings (A and B). 

Calyx Global’s co-founder, Donna Lee, emphasizes the need for higher-quality ( article continues at )

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